How to Wash Bras in a Washing Machine Without Ruining Them

how to wash bras in washing machine

How to Wash Bras in a Washing Machine Without Ruining Them

Do you know how to wash bras in washing machine without ruining them? Read this guide for tips to keep in mind.

The intimate garments in your lingerie collection can determine how an outfit looks. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the garments feel and look good in every way.

You should know how to wash these delicates properly, whether by hand or machine to avoid damaging them and increase their lifespan. Most bras are machine washable. However, be sure to check the instruction guide before washing.

Simply throwing all your bras in the washing machine for a round of cleaning with other clothes will not cut it. The bras will either not be cleaned properly. Even worse, they may get damaged.

Therefore, it’s crucial to know the proper way of washing bras with a washing machine.

Preparing Bras for Machine Washing

When machine washing, you’ll need to put your bras and other delicates of the same color in a lingerie bag to prevent snags. There are different lingerie or bra bags you can use. Here are some of the best bra bags for machine washing.

Woolite Bra Wash Bag
The Woolite Bra Wash Bag


Throwing bras in the cycle with the other clothes can stretch them out or ruin their shape. To avoid this issue, you should used a bra bag. A bra laundry bag will fix this problem as it keeps the delicates separate thereby minimizing damaging friction.

You can machine wash your bras as many times as you wish once you secure a bra bag.

How to Wash Bras Properly in a Washing Machine

Here’s how to wash bras in a washing machine without ruining them:

  1. First, check the care label on the bras.
  2. Pre-treat any bra stains by massaging some mild detergent on area then let it soak for about 10 minutes.
  3. Fasten the hooks and clasps then place the bra in the lingerie bag.
  4. Was the bra as per the care label instructions
  5. After washing the bra, lay it flat with the cups facing up to air dry

Use Mild Detergent

Remember to use a mild detergent when washing your bras. One of the best detergents for washing bras is Forever New Detergent Powder.


Avoid using fabric softeners, bleach and other harsh chemicals as they can damage the bra’s fabric.

Also, use gentle cycle on the machine to wash the bra.

When the bra is clean, you should dry it. There are a number of ways in which you can speed up the drying process to preserve the bra’s best qualities. The best of them is air drying.

You can air dry your delicates either by hanging them on a drying rack or placing them on a flat surface to maintain shape.

Tumble drying has the same effect as throwing the bras in a washing cycle without putting them in a lingerie bag. Therefore, you want to avoid tumble drying.

The above is a quick guide on how to wash bras in washing machine.



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