Supporting Younger Women with Bigger Chests: Fairy Bra Mothers

Supporting Younger Women with Bigger Chests: Fairy Bra Mothers

In December, Darlene over at Hourglassy shared her passion about helping full-busted tweens and teens get into the right-fitting bras (and the financial aspect of that). She hopes to develop a support network for these girls with DD+ mentors, or as she calls them, Fairy Bra Mothers (I love that!) and she put out a call for readers to submit Fairy Bra Mother letters to an imaginary girl on the street that you could help by sharing your bra knowledge.

I, for one, loved this idea. In fact, if it hadn’t been for my upstairs DD+ neighbor in college sending me to her bra fitter for a proper bra, I don’t know how long I would have struggled in department store lingerie sections trying on 38Ds and 40Cs.

So I had to respond. You can read my Fairy Bra Mother letter here. Darlene is publishing all the letters this week on her blog, so go read them and follow along! I can’t wait to see how the support network takes shape, but don’t you agree this is a great cause to be a part of?

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