How to Determine Nursing Bra Size While Pregnant

How to Determine Nursing Bra Size While Pregnant

How to Determine Nursing Bra Size While Pregnant

As soon as you get pregnant, you realize that the bras that you were wearing are not fitting anymore. The changes call for a shift in the bra wardrobe to get those that are well-fitting and comfortable. At around 12 weeks of pregnancy, the regular bra is not well-fitting for most mums. Other than going for a bra fitting, getting to know your size is straightforward when you do it on your own.

Steps to Knowing the Size of Your Bra

Things that You Will Need to Take the Measurement

  • A full-length Bathroom Mirror
  • Pen
  • A non-padded bra
  • Piece of paper

Find out your Band size

woman measuring band size

Measuring the band size is very simple. Get a tape measure. Take the measure around the body at the lower side of the armpit above the chest area. Get the measurement and note it down. If you get a fraction to ensure that you round it to the next nearest whole number. The size can also be through measuring the ribcage. Measure directly under your breast. Once you get the measurement to add at least 2 inches to get the exact band size.


  • Pull the tape around the back under the armpits
  • Check to ensure that the tape is parallel to the floor
  • Note down the measurement that you get

Get the measure of the cup size

Do the same measurement but this time focus on the area where you have a fuller bust. The number you get, a fraction round it of to the next nearest whole number.

woman measuring the cup size

Make sure the tape is well around your body as you are taking the measurement.  To get the correct cup size, subtract the band size from the analysis of the fuller bust area.


  • Using the tape measure get the measurement of the fullest part of your bust
  • Hold the tape with a single hand and wrap it around the chest through the fuller bust area.
  • Note down the measurement that you get rounding off to the nearest whole number.
  • Subtract the measure of the band from the cup measurement to get the bra size.

If you get that the fuller bust circumference is 40 inches and the band measures 36 inches, the cup size is 4 inches. The cup inches in their differences stand for the cup sizes of the bra. The cup sizes include A, B, C, D, etc.

After getting your cup size, it is easier to get a well-fitting bra.  A maternity nursing bra is critical for the provision of support and support to the breasts. The breasts having a significant change in shape and size, need a lot of comfort and support.

Things to Consider When Searching for a Nursing Bra

The right nursing bra will give you the best comfort and will provide your breast with excellent support. While choosing the right bra, there are very many aspects that you must consider.

The features of the best nursing bras include.


Since the breast at the nursing period has changed the shape and the sizes. The bra that you select should give the chest the best support. When in motion, the bra should cut down on the bounce effect from the chest as it makes you uncomfortable.

With a supportive bra, your posture is excellent, and thus, you can get a good profile plus a great shape. The choices are many dependent on the preference of the bra that you need. You can choose between a wireless nursing bra and a flexi wire bra.

Gives You a Feeling of Beauty

Breastfeeding keeps a woman away from the thoughts of beauty.  Getting a bra that makes you feel the prettiness that is part of your womanhood is an excellent choice. The right nursing bra should fit in your lifestyle, making you comfortable and joyful all the time that you have it on.

Durable and Long Lasting

During the nursing period, a lot is going on in your body. You may experience milk leakage that will force you to wash the bra several times to remain hygienic. When selecting a nursing bra, you must check those that have good qualities. The fabric that makes the bra should be high quality and long lasting to withstand the continuous wash and wear. Most of the nursing bra is elastic and thus should be from durable materials to face washing time and again. They should not lose their elasticity. The right nursing bra should be long-lasting and provide the best support all through its life when it is in use.

To care for the bra, ensure that you care for the bra as per the guide that it comes with when you buy it.


In nursing and pregnancy, your breasts are sensitive and thus must be in good care all the time. The best nursing bra should be comfy. A comfortable nursing bra comes with additional features such as straps and cups having cotton lining will keep your breasts well in support while keeping you comfy.


The nursing period is essential for the baby. The right nursing bra should be good in enabling the achieving of the purpose of feeding the young one efficiently. The bra must have cups smooth in dropping down to ensure that the baby at its natural breastfeeding at any time.  When breastfeeding is that easy, you will enjoy and as such, enable the baby to develop well.

Fit Well

The bra should be well-fitting. Since the breasts are sensitive currently, the bra that you have is well-fitting.  The breasts should be full in cover in the cups. The band should be very comfortable, and the straps should not be digging in the shoulder. If you take the correct measurement, then you will not struggle with an ill-fitting bra. A tight bra may lead to health complications such as the milk duct clogging due to the excess pressure from the bra in the breasts.

Importance of Having a Correct Size Nursing Bra

The crucial aspect to look for in a nursing bra is the level of comfort and how functional it is. This is something that should be in consideration paying attention to the continually changing sizes of the body.

During nursing, it is always important to get out of mind the idea of a lace bra or underwire bras. The bras may cause discomfort to the breast. For instance, an underwire may put a lot of pressure to the chest and thus may lead to the blockage of the milk duct. The blockage may lead to effects on milk production.

How to Determine Nursing Bra Size When Pregnant

Since the body is in constant change during pregnancy, there are several aspects that you must look for in consideration and choice of the bra size.

Check for a properly fitting bra. During pregnancy, you need a lot of support to the breasts. The need for help is not what should make you choose an ill-fitting bra. Measure the cup and band size and note them down. Use these to get the best maternity bra to move away from breast-related problems.

The cup size changes in women during pregnancy is different. Other women may go up to band and cup sizes in this period while others will have the changes as soon as the milk starts to come to the breasts. The factor chooses to be inn restriction to individuals.

Check for comfort and support. Ensure that the bra that you choose fits to be a maternity bra. The right maternity bra will give the breasts an excellent lift. The bra will also be comfortable all the time that you have it on. Maternity bras are always from soft fabrics that are stretchy thus provide extra room for the changes in the breast size.

For the best support, you should start wearing maternity bras as early as three months of pregnancy. The reason is that the milk duct is always in development in the pregnancy period. An underwire or any regular bra may cause problems to the milk duct. You wouldn’t want the baby to have issues when you need to breastfeed it.


For the best maternity and nursing experience, consider checking to have at least three different bras. Several bras allow you enough time to wash the other bras and let them dry thoroughly. It is very hygienic, and you will not get infections from wearing wet bras.

The most crucial aspect that should always stick with you is that the maternity and nursing periods demand that you take good care of the breasts for your health and that of the baby. Wear the correct and well-fitting bra that will be very comfortable and at the same time give the best support. Avoid wearing lace or underwire bras.


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