How to Remove Dark Spots Between Breasts

how to remove dark spots between breast

How to Remove Dark Spots Between Breasts

Do you know how to remove dark spots between breasts? Read this guide for the causes of the spots and step-by-step instructions on how to remove them.

There are different causes of dark spots between the breasts. The causes range from pityriasis versicolor to acanthosis nigricans. Pityriasis is a medical term that describes build up of skin scale, otherwise known as superficial infection. Applying perfume between breasts followed by excess heat can trigger dark spots as well.

dark spots between breasts

Dark spots between breasts can be a nuisance. Read on for the causes and tips on how to get rid of them.

Causes of Dark Spots Between Breasts

  • Heat Rash

The most common cause of dark spots between the breasts is friction and heat. This usually occurs when the temperature is humid and warm.

breast heat rash

Heat rash usually happens when sweat glands produce excess sweat. This sweat is blocked from getting to the skin surface. Friction increases the likelihood of the formation of dark spots, especially when the breasts rub against each other at the center.

  • Body Rashes

Other underlying medical conditions affecting the body can also result in dark spots between the breasts. These conditions include psoriasis, shingles and eczema among others.

  • Diabetes

Diabetes puts you at a higher risk of dry skin and other related infections. For instance, those dealing with the disease stand a high chance of contracting fungal infections owing to Candida Albicans.

If your blood sugar level is uncontrolled, you are likely to catch the infection. The fungus tends to thrive in the area between the breasts thus causing the dark spots.

  • Pregnancy

Rapid weight gain and circulating hormones during pregnancy makes you susceptible to rashes that result in dark spots.

How to Remove Dark Spots Between Breasts

Ensure you keep the skin between the breasts cool, dry and clean to prevent formation of dark spots. Here are some of the things you’ll need to do:

  • Use warm water and antibacterial soap to clean the problem area. Then, pat-dry the area when done.
  • Apply antibiotic ointment, antifungal cream, or odor-free moisturizer as per the physician’s recommendation.
  • Avoid scratching or scrubbing the affected area too hard.
  • Avoid using perfumes, soaps and lotions with fragrances on the breasts.
  • Wear comfortable and soft clothing made with breathable materials, ideally cotton.
  • You can place a soft fabric, usually with antimicrobial properties between your breasts to help reduce friction and itching.
  • Avoid exposing the chest to the sun.
  • Avoid over-staying in sweaty clothing, especially after being outdoors when the temperatures are high, or after a workout session.
  • You can use over-the-counter gels and creams with different ingredients, including salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and sulfur to remove the dark spots.

If the dark spots are as a result of an infection, you might need to see a physician to prescribe oral or topical antibiotics to help clear them. In severe cases, a dermatologist should help you determine the contributing factor to the dark spots between the breasts.


More often than not, over-the-counter medications usually help remove dark spots between the breasts. We recommend the AsaVea Dark Spot Removal Cream.

AsaVea Dark Spot Removal Cream
AsaVea Dark Spot Removal Cream


Sometimes, there’s no cause for alarm except when you have infection symptoms or other potential breast-related illnesses. In such cases, you’ll need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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